髪型テクスチャサンプル Hair texture examples
VRiod studio 正式版の髪型テクスチャの例です。オリジナルの髪型テクスチャを作る際の参考になれば嬉しいです。 These contents are examples of hair textures in VRoid studio stable. It's my pleasure if these models can help you to understand and/or to make hair textures. 使用しているモデル https://hub.vroid.com/model_assets/3423676
Hair texture for both sides
The hair texture is mapped on the surface of the hair mesh. As shown on the T-shirt, the top of the texture (black) is put on the root side of the hair, and bottom (white) is on the ends. Since the offset parameter is set at 0.5 in this example, the left half is located on the outer surface, and right is on inside.
One hair texture for 8 colors
This model uses 8 colors implemented in only one hair texture. The offset parameter moves the texture horizontally and allows us to choose one of eight colors. On the other hand, the highlight position parameter can adjust the vertical positions of the highlight as the white line. Note that this parameter moves the main texture at the same time as the gray line.
Application of hair texture
The dice is made of hair components, and an additional texture is mapped on the surface of the dice. It is possible to select one of six dice surfaces from the only one texture by adjusting the offset parameter. So it is possible to make 4-5-6, 1-2-3, and all-one dices. Since the dice is implemented in one hair group, it is easy to duplicate, relocate, and resize it. Please try to adjust the offset.
この配布物には,VRoid studio正式版のプリセット等を含んでいますので,使用者はVRoid stadio個別規約等に従う必要があります。この配布物を改変することができ,商用,営利目的にかかわらず,写真や動画,ライブ配信等にクレジットなしで使用することができます。ただし,改変の有無に関わらず,教育的な用途以外では再配布はできません。また,この配布物および改変した物の販売や12歳以上の他者への利用提供*はできません。 *NFTやご家族の場合も含みます。中学生になったら自分でダウンロードや設定など頑張ってほしいとの思いからです。
Since this content includes the presets of VRoid studio stable, the users need to follow the VRoid license and related agreements. You can modify these models, but redistribution is not allowed except for educational use. You can not sell this model and provide any service for other person 12+, irrespective of modification.